Diesel Purge Injector Cleaner 1L

Code: L2520


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Diesel Purge contains a mixture of agents with powerful cleaning properties. The special additives guarantee corrosion protection and increase ignition performance (cetane number).

Removes deposits on injection nozzles and in the combustion chamber. Increases the cetane rating. Eliminates engine operation problems such as knocking in idle and provides round and quiet engine running. Protects the entire fuel system from corrosion. Optimizes the emission test values. Can also be used as a preventative measure. Clean engines need less fuel and reduce emissions.

Suitable for all diesel engines and diesel fuels.


  • boosts the cetane number
  • increases operational reliability
  • eliminates diesel knocking
  • reduces deposits
  • cleans the fuel system
  • good corrosion protection
  • guarantees optimum combustion
  • highly economical

Areas of application

Used for all diesel engines to prevent and eliminate problems associated with uneven idling and partialload knocking.

Quantity to be used for preventive and remedial use: 500 ml.


Preventive use:
Add to diesel fuel according to the inspection intervals

Remedial use:
Unclip the fuel pipe and immerse the end in the Diesel Flush. Close the fuel return pipe or feed that into the Diesel Flush. Start the engine and allow the engine to run at different speeds with the Diesel Flush unmixed. After the cleaning process, assemble the vehicle’s system. In extreme cases, repeat the cleaning procedure if necessary.